
oracle select for update of ... update where current of ...

oracle syntax:
select for update [of [schema.]table.column[,[schema.]table.column].. ][nowait]

当查询多张表时使用for update [of [schema.]table.column[,[schema.]table.column]..]子句可以锁定指定的表(行级锁),经测试可以同时锁定多张表(行级锁),不过对应使用where current of更新数据时会有问题,这时只能用for update [of [schema.]table.column[,[schema.]table.column]..]语句锁定一张表(行级锁),然后只能更新这张表

create table mtj(name varchar2(30),sex varchar2(1),age number(3));
create table lux(name varchar2(30),sex varchar2(1),age number(3));

insert into mtj values ('mtj','M',28);
insert into mtj values ('mtj','M',28);
insert into mtj values ('mtj','M',28);
insert into mtj values ('mtj','M',28);
insert into mtj values ('mtj','M',28);
insert into mtj values ('mtj','M',28);
insert into mtj values ('mtj','M',28);

insert into lux values ('lux','M',26);
insert into lux values ('lux','M',26);
insert into lux values ('lux','M',26);
insert into lux values ('lux','M',26);
insert into lux values ('lux','M',26);
insert into lux values ('lux','M',26);
insert into lux values ('lux','M',26);
insert into lux values ('lux','M',26);


  cursor cur_get_person is
    select m.name name_1
      from mtj m, lux l
     where m.sex = l.sex
       for update of l.sex/* ,m.age*/;

  for person in cur_get_person loop
    update lux l set l.age = 11 where current of cur_get_person;
    --update mtj m set m.age = 29 where current of cur_get_person;
  end loop;


另附tom对implicit cursor效率比explicit cursor快的解释


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